Jeffrey Dean Morgan, o Negan em The Walking Dead, se torna pai pela segunda vez

Jeffrey Dean Morgan, que interpreta Negan em The Walking Dead, anunciou em seu perfil no Twitter que se tornou pai pela segunda vez.

Sua esposa, a atriz Hilarie Burton, acaba de dar luz à uma menina cujo nome ainda não foi divulgado.

Ele afirmou que a criança passa bem e agradeceu ao carinho de seus fãs.

Ei pessoal… a bebê Morgan é espetacular. Nós estamos apenas respeitando o desejo dela de descansar um pouco mais. Mas nós super apreciamos todos os desejos de felicidades e tudo mais. Obrigado. Beijos de Jeffrey, Hilarie, Gus e da bebê.

O casal havia revelado a gravidez durante a cerimônia de premiação do Emmy em setembro de 2017.

Jeffrey e Hilarie começaram a namorar em 2009 e um ano depois tiveram seu primeiro filho, Augustus, que atualmente tem 7 anos de idade.

Atualização: no dia 6 de março Hilarie publicou as primeiras fotos da criança em seu Instagram pessoal, revelando seu nome.

As some of you know, @jeffreydeanmorgan is off in Europe getting ready to do some big conventions. And he's self aware enough to know his track record for "spilling the beans" isn't so great (bless his heart!). So before he starts tripping up in an attempt to maintain our privacy, he asked that I go ahead and post something about our little girl's birth. But before I do that, there's something I really want to say to all the women out there who are trying….. It took a long time for Jeffrey and I to have this baby. The first time I got pregnant, it took a year and a half. I surprised him on Christmas with baby Seahawk booties. We cried. We celebrated. We picked out names. And we lost that baby. More losses followed, and as so many couples know, it was heartbreaking. It still is heartbreaking. And every morning of the five years it took us, I'd open my computer at the kitchen table and see the news and I'd grow bitter over the endless parade of celebrities showing off their bumps and babies. I'd weep out of jealousy for how easy it was for them. Didn't they know something could go wrong? Didn't they know that there were other women out there struggling? It pained me to see the corporate sponsored baby showers and magazine covers capitalizing on this human miracle that wasn't happening for us. So when this pregnancy started, we were cautious. I didn't want to celebrate for fear of jinxing it. I didn't want a baby shower. I checked her heartbeat every day, up until the day she was born. And now that she is here, I just stare at her in wonder all day. I see her in her daddy's arms and I don't take any of it for granted. She screams bloody murder and I smile because she is so wildly alive. So now that folks know she's here, I don't want her birth to cause any other woman to weep at her kitchen table. If anything, my wish is that she would restore hope for others. Fertility is a fickle thing. And for the other couples out there who have had dark days, we want to introduce our miracle baby to you and send you our love and support in finding yours. Please meet George Virginia Morgan. She was born February 16th. Her daddy delivered her. We love her very much.

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Conheçam George Virginia Morgan. Ela nasceu no dia 16 de fevereiro. Seu pai fez o parto. Nós a amamos muito.

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Kelly Ribeiro
Kelly Ribeiro
Kelly Ribeiro é co-fundadora, editora-chefe, redatora e gerente de comunidades do Geekdama. Com formação em Comunicação Social e Cinema Digital, além de especializações em Marketing e Jornalismo Digital, Kelly supervisiona a produção de conteúdo do portal. Em 2022 foi uma das selecionadas no programa Aceleradora de Comunidades da Meta.
